Search for Trademark

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    Trademark search is an important step in the trademark registration process. Conducting a trademark search helps to identify potential conflicts with existing trademarks and can help businesses avoid legal disputes.

    At Corporate Raasta Consulting, we offer comprehensive trademark search services to help businesses determine the availability of a proposed trademark.

    We will perform a thorough analysis of your brand name, logo, design, and other elements, comparing them against various databases of registered trademarks. Since trademarks are entered into these databases by their registrants, anyone attempting to register a similar mark will need to pay a fee before proceeding with the registration process. This ensures that potential conflicts with your brand identity can be identified and addressed early on.


    Here are some of the key benefits of using our Search for Trademark service:

    1. Identify potential conflicts: Our comprehensive search helps to identify potential conflicts with existing trademarks, helping to avoid legal disputes and potential legal issues.
    2. Save time and money: Conducting a trademark search can save time and money by identifying potential conflicts before filing a trademark application.
    3. Protect your brand: By conducting a trademark search, you can protect your brand and ensure that your trademark is unique and not similar to any other existing trademarks.


    Here are some of the key steps involved in conducting a trademark search:

    1. Identify the trademark classes: Identify the classes of goods or services for which you intend to use the trademark.
    2. Conduct a search: Conduct a comprehensive search for existing trademarks that may conflict with your proposed trademark.
    3. Analyze the search results: Analyze the search results and identify potential conflicts with existing trademarks.
    4. Provide recommendations: Provide recommendations on the availability of the proposed trademark and advise on the next steps.

    Things to Look Out When Conducting TM Search

    Conducting a thorough trademark search is essential to ensure your brand name, logo, or design is unique and does not infringe on existing trademarks. The first step is to search within the right legal jurisdiction. For businesses operating in India, this involves using the Indian Trademark Registry, the governmental agency responsible for registering trademarks and copyrights in India. Additionally, if your company has filed or plans to file for a trademark in another country, it’s crucial to search through that country’s trademark office as well. This helps to avoid potential conflicts and ensures global brand protection.

    Next, determine the type of trademark you are looking to register. This could be a word mark, symbol, design, or other identifiers. Knowing the specific type of mark you need will help refine your search. Consider differentiating between trademarks for goods and services. Some trademarks may be restricted to specific goods (e.g., “Jaguar” for cars), while others might be more flexible for services (e.g., “Bose” for headphones and other audio equipment).

    When conducting the search, pay attention to the specific characteristics of the trademark. For word marks, search for exact matches and similar-sounding words that might cause confusion. For symbols and designs, use image recognition tools or databases that allow visual searches. If your mark includes unique identifiers like colors, shapes, or combinations of elements, make sure to include these in your search parameters.

    Considerations for goods and services are also important. Trademarks are categorized by the type of goods and services they represent, so ensure your search covers the appropriate category for your business. Some trademarks are specific to certain products, while others are more versatile and can apply to various services. It may be more challenging to find trademarks corresponding to service-based goods, but this should not deter you from submitting an application.

    Finally, when you decide to file for trademark registration, ensure all required information is included. This typically involves the full name and address of the applicant, a clear representation of the trademark (word, symbol, design, etc.), the category of goods or services the trademark will cover, and the date of first use (if applicable). By following these steps and paying close attention to the details, you can conduct a comprehensive trademark search and increase the likelihood of successfully registering your trademark, ensuring that your brand is protected and distinct in the marketplace.


    The process of conducting a trademark search involves identifying the classes of goods or services for which the trademark will be used, conducting a comprehensive search for existing trademarks, analyzing the search results, and providing recommendations on the availability of the proposed trademark. At Corporate Raasta Consulting, we provide end-to-end support for conducting trademark searches, including identifying the classes, conducting the search, analyzing the results, and providing recommendations.

    Following are the two most common ways to perform a trademark search:

    Searching for a Trademark Online: If you are looking for information about an existing trademark, conducting an online search is the best option. Start by conducting a keyword search for trademarks or brands that you believe might be similar to yours. If the entered name does not match anything within your search parameters, proceed to the next step.

    Checking the Indian Government’s Trademark Registry: To find out if the name is on file with the trademark registry, check the Indian government’s trademark registry or perform an IP India Public Search. These databases can provide insights into whether another company has filed for protection of their brand name against your use of yours. If someone else has filed for protection of their brand name against the use of yours, this will be noted in each database record and usually includes links to their respective application.


    There are no specific documents required for conducting a trademark search, but it is recommended to keep a record of the search results for future reference.

    • A trademark search involves examining existing trademarks to determine whether a proposed trademark is available for use. It helps identify any potential conflicts with existing trademarks and assesses the likelihood of registration success.

    • Conducting a trademark search is crucial to avoid infringing on existing trademarks, which can lead to legal disputes. It ensures that your proposed trademark is unique and helps protect your brand identity from future challenges.

    • You can conduct a trademark search using online tools provided by trademark registries, such as the Indian Trademark Registry. Professional services like Corporate Raasta Consulting can also assist in conducting comprehensive searches and analyzing results.

    • Yes, you can perform a basic trademark search using online databases. However, professional assistance is recommended for a thorough search, especially for identifying potential conflicts that may not be obvious to non-experts.

    • Trademarks can include words, logos, symbols, designs, slogans, and other identifiers. It’s important to search for all types of trademarks related to your proposed mark to ensure comprehensive coverage.

    • For businesses in India, the Indian Trademark Registry is the primary database. If your business operates internationally, you should also search databases of other countries' trademark offices and global databases like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

    • You need the proposed trademark (word, logo, or design) and information about the goods or services it will represent. Knowing the class of goods or services according to the Nice Classification system can help refine your search.